Common Eye Problems

Most people will need glasses in their lifetime, keeping up with proper eye care is necessary to protect your eyesight for the long term. Below are common eye problems. Please make an appointment with us for a personal assessment if you are experiencing any issues. 

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) is a disorder where there is an anatomical and functional deterioration of the macula usually associated with an older age. The macula is the portion of the eye that provides us with fine and detailed vision. When we look directly at an object our macula is what fixates on it. Because of this, macular degeneration causes a loss of central vision. In Americans over the age of 65, ARMD is the leading cause of vision loss. As a larger portion of the population gets older it will become more and more prevalent.


Amblyopia or a “lazy eye” is where an eye is unable to see well even with the proper corrective lens. It is caused by visual deprivation to an eye during the early neurological development between the eye and visual cortex of the brain. Treatment involves removing the source of visual deprivation and patching of the non-amblyopic eye.


Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids. It is the result of bacteria on the eyelid margin or excess oil production. The infection  causes irritation, dryness and redness. It is very common in the elderly and those with poor hygiene. Symptoms usually include scratchiness, itching, burning, foreign body sensation, and excess tearing. Crusty debris and flakes can be found on the eyelids around the eyelashes, especially upon waking. Treatment involves improving eyelid hygiene and antibiotics.


Cataracts are caused by a clouding of the eye lens which helps to focus light on the retina. Surgery is typically necessary to control cataracts. There are no natural cures for cataracts, although medical researchers are looking at nonsurgical approaches. 


Colorblindness is better described as a color-deficiency because the majority of people with the condition can see color, but lack the ability to perceive them the way most people do. It is an inherited trait that mainly affects men though women can also be diagnosed. There is no treatment for the condition, however, a red contact lens can be used to help with detecting different hues. 


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucus membrane that covers the white colored part of the eye. Common signs and symptoms include redness, light sensitivity, foreign body sensation, itchiness and burning. It may be caused by numerous factors from a viral or bacterial infection, allergies, dry eye syndrome, or improper contact lens wear. Treatment ranges from artificial tears, cold compresses, removing the cause, medications and/or changing contact lens wearing habits.

Corneal Ulcer

A corneal ulcer is an erosion or open sore that has penetrated the cornea’s barrier. It usually appears as a white or gray lesion in the cornea. Symptoms include pain, light sensitivity, redness and decreased vision. Your eye doctor will look at your cornea and eye very carefully with a biomicroscope. Treating a corneal ulcer usually begins with the frequent application of a topical antibiotic. 

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes results from the body’s inability to properly manage the levels of glucose in the blood. Elevated blood glucose causes damage to the vascular system. It causes problems to many parts of body, including the eye.
Diabetes may lead to decreased corneal sensation/healing, glaucoma, cataracts and retinopathy leading to blindness.  Regular dilated eye exams are important so that problems can be caught early.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a decreased quantity or quality of the eye’s natural tears that leads to a drying out of the ocular surface. Symptoms include a foreign body sensation, scratchiness and burning. There are numerous causes of dry eye that include systemic diseases, hormone changes, medications, LASIK and the environment.  Treatment includes the use of artificial tears.


Floaters are typically strands of collagen fibers that exist in the gel portion of the eye that move across the visual axis. They look like pieces of “wrinkled string” that seem to float in front of a person’s eyes. In most cases, they are harmless and only bothersome. When they are so numerous that they obstruct vision, they can be surgically removed through a procedure called a vitrectomy. If they occur with flashes of light or a loss of vision, an immediate visit to an eye doctor is required to check for a retinal detachment.


Glaucoma is a disease that first causes a loss of peripheral vision and in advanced cases causes a loss of central vision or blindness. During an eye examination an eye doctor will see increased cupping or thinning of the rim of the optic nerve head as a result of nerve fiber loss. The exact cause of glaucoma is still undergoing much research and likely has many underlying risk factors. The most effective treatment for glaucoma is lowering intraocular pressure.


Keratoconus is a progressive disease that results in an abnormal bulge or conical shape of the inferior cornea. The cornea is the clear front portion of the eye. The abnormal bulge may result in scattered and distorted light entering the eye, even with a good eyeglass prescription, causing poor vision. In advanced cases of keratoconus surgery and contact lenses may be required to provide adequate vision.


Papilledema is a swelling of the optic nerve head caused by elevated intracranial hypertension. Symptoms include headaches, nausea and visual field loss. Your eye doctor will notice elevated and blurred optic nerve head margins. Blood vessels coming from the optic nerve are also engorged. The most common causes of papilledema include brain tumors, poor absorption of the cerebral spinal fluid or medications. Treatment consists of managing a tumor if present, diuretics, losing weight and removal of any causative medications


A pterygium or “surfer’s eye” is an overgrowth of tissue that grows from the conjunctiva onto the cornea. It is the result of tissue that degenerates from exposure to ultraviolet light and the elements. They are mostly cosmetic and only need to be monitored for growth or any impact on vision.  Treatment consists of UV protection, ocular lubrication and surgical removal. Even with removal re-growth can occur.

Retinal Detachment

A retinal detachment is a very serious condition where the sensory layer inside of the eye tears and separates from the eye. If it is not treated promptly, permanent vision loss or blindness can occur. Symptoms of a retinal detachment include flashes of light, loss of vision and numerous new floaters. To assess for a retinal detachment the eyes need to be dilated and then a thorough look at all parts of the retina needs to be done. Treatment involves injecting a gas bubble in the eye forcing the attached retina in place or suturing a sponge to the white portion of the eye that prevents further traction from the vitreous. Lasers or freezing are sometimes used to scar areas of the retina to prevent a detachment or limit further detachment.


Strabismus is a misalignment of the eyes, meaning that they don’t look at an object together. An eye can turn in, out, up or down. A long standing strabismus may not have any symptoms because the brain shuts off the image from the eye that turns out. A new onset results in double vision and disorientation. Strabismus occurs because of poor coordination between the extra-ocular muscles or the nerves that innervate them. Testing done by your eye doctor includes a cover test to assess ocular alignment, determination of refractive state and an assessment of ocular health. Treatment involves the use of prism in glasses, vision therapy, surgery and correction of refractive error.


A stye is an infection of an oil gland on the eyelid margin. It is also called a hordeolum. They usually present as a painful, red lump on the eyelid margin. They are frequently associated with blepharitis. Staphylococcal bacteria are the most common organism to cause the infection. In many cases they resolve on their own. Treatment consists of a warm compress to loosen inflammatory material and to open up pores. Lid scrubs with baby shampoo and water are important to clear the eyelid margin of bacteria. Without resolution oral antibiotics should be given. In some cases the stye may require drainage.